Writing on the Casa wall

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Non-Euclidean Transformational Grammars and C++

When I first had the misfortune to cast my eyes upon AIPS++, I said to myself, c'est foutu! However, as part of my last year at the otherwise tedious Ecole Normale Superiere in Lyon, I worked with an unassuming professor from one of our previous colonies. He was hard put to keep up with me, quel branleur, but he did provide a little aid on my groundbreaking work on Non-Euclidean Transformation Grammars and C++ which I presented as a thesis in lieu of any attending any lectures. The relevance to my current work is of course obvious - an XSLT mediated transformation selected by genetic algorithm implements a range of possible unfoldings of typically constipated AIPS++ code into CASA code of openness, vitality, and elan. I have implemented a subtle form of user testing via phishing, which eventually allows me to select one of these as the code to be used. The entropy of the transformation allows a precise metricification of my remediation of AIPS++. This is the secret of my simply massive progress, I cannot conceal. I fully expect to be through with the entire work within a few weeks, and then it is on to the ALMA!

A demain, MALPT!



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